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16.8 Tons engineering front axle

PSC826 feature (16.8 Tons)
? The converging oil seal greatly reduces the leak risk, also prolongs the service life of oil seal.
? High strength hypoid gear with better torque transfer ability than spiral bevel gear.
? Reinforced ductile cast iron housing, the axle rigidity superior to the stamping and welding housing at the same level.
? Large range of speed ratio, with hub reduction, meet customer different requirements.
? Carrier is installed with ring gear anti-thrust screw, which prevents the ring gear from getting deformed at high load.
? A variety of rim mounting distance, which meets the requirements of customers for more flexibility.
? Multiple sets of magnets attached to inside of housing, decreasing the lubricating oil pollution.
? Optional differential lock improves the power output distribution of the vehicle in the bad road conditions.
? The parking brake device at the carrier input end (option for customer).

The product is applicable to:Off-road crane, port unmanned carrier, etc.

Technical Parameters Other


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